We identify short and long term training needs and devise appropriate programs to continuously upgrade skills and knowledge level for greater flexibility and adaptability in accordance to technological advances.
Apprenticeship programs provide an opportunity for sponsors to share the costs of training through economy of scale and by using available federal and state resources to assist in developing and delivering training programs.
Employers have a direct influence on what apprentices learn through work processes and related classroom curriculum.
We have conducted Industrial Automation Courses in:
University Technology Malaysia (UTM)
University Technology Petronas
Penang Skills Development Center (PSDC)
Negeri Sembilan Skills Development Center (NSSDC)
Perak Entrepreneur and Skills Development Center (PESDC)
Malacca Industrial Skills Development Center MISDC
Hong Leong Yamaha Motor
Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sendirian Berhad (Perodua)
School Of Airport Engineering (SOAE)